Prof. Oleg P. Sushkov, theoretical physics
MSc, Novosibirsk State University, Russia, 1974
PhD in Physics, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia, 1978
Doctor of Science (Habilitation), Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, 1987
Professional Awards and Honours
2011-2015 Australian Research Council Professorial Fellow
2006 Alexander von Humboldt Research Award (Germany) for work on cuprate high temperature superconductors
1983 Lenin Komsomol Russian Government prize (Official State Honour) for work on neutron nuclear reactions
1979 Best Young Researcher Award, the Academy of Sciences, USSR, (Siberian division)
My current fields of research are
Quantum many-body theory
Quantum field theory and quantum phase transitions
Strong electron correlations
Topological quantum materials and artificial graphene.
My previous topics of research are related to fundamental physics. This includes:
The structure/effects of the weak interaction and parity violation in atoms and nuclei
Violation of fundamental time reversal symmetry and barionic asymmetry of the Universe (dominance of matter over antimatter)
Searches of light dark matter.
I still maintain some activity in those fields.
The particular interests of the group are quantum magnetism, spintronics, topological insulators, electron correlations and other problems of modern physics.