Oleg P. Sushkov. Publications

[1] Sushkov, O. P., Flambaum, V. V. (1973)
Single muon production in electron-positron collisions.
Yad. Fiz. 18, 159
. (Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 18, issue 1, 82-83 (1974))

[2] Sushkov, O. P., Khriplovich, I. B. (1974)
The gravitational radiation emitted by an ultrarelativistic charged particle in an external electromagnetic field.
 ZhETF 66, 3-8. (Sov. Phys. JETP 39, 1-3 (1974))

[3] Sushkov, O. P., Flambaum, V. V., Khriplovich, I. B. (1974)
Test of the renormalizable models of weak interactions in E+E- collisions.
Yad. Fiz. 20, 1016 - 1023
. (Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 20, issue 5, 537-540 (1975))

[4] Sushkov, O. P. (1975)
Charge asymmetry in the distribution of muons produced in hadronic collisions.
Yad. Fiz.  22, 343-345
. (Sov. J. Nucl. Phys22, 177-178 (1975))
[5] Sushkov, O. P. (1975)
Electromagnetic charge asymmetry of the angular distribution of the kaons in the process E+E- \to K+K- near phi-resonance.
Yad. Fiz. 22, 868-869
. (Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 22, 450-451 (1975))

[6] Novikov, V. N., Sushkov, O. P., Khriplovich, I. B. (1976)
Optical activity of heavy metals vapors - manifestation of the weak interaction of electrons and nucleons.
ZhETF 71, 1665-1679
. (Sov. Phys. JETP 44, 872-880 (1976))

[7] Sushkov, O. P., Flambaum, V. V., Khriplovich, I. B. (1976)
Parity nonconservation in strongly forbidden M1-transitions in Thallium and Lead.
Pis'ma ZhETF  24, 502-507
. (JETP Letters 24, 461-464 (1976))

[8] Novikov, V. N., Sushkov, O. P., Flambaum, V. V., Khriplovich, I. B. (1977)
Possibility of studying the structure of weak neutral currents in optical transitions in heavy atoms.
ZhETF 73, 802-806.
(Sov. Phys. JETP 46, 420-422 (1977))

[9] Novikov, V. N., Sushkov, O. P., Khriplovich, I. B. (1977)
Faraday effect and parity nonconservation for the M1-transitions in Bismuth.
Opt. Spectrosk. 43, 621 - 623. (Sov. Phys. Opt. Spectr. 43, 370 - 372 (1977))

[10] Flambaum, V. V., Sushkov, O. P. (1978)
Radial integrals, oscillator strengths and polarizabilities of Thallium, Lead and Bismuth atoms.
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 20, 569-579.

Preprint INP 77-58

[11] Sushkov, O. P., Flambaum, V. V., Khriplovich, I. B. (1978)
Theory of hyperfine structure of heavy atoms.
Opt. Spectrosk. 44, 3-11. (Sov. Phys. Opt. Spectr. 44, 2 (1978))

[12] Flambaum, V. V., Khriplovich, I. B., Sushkov, O. P. (1978)
G-factor anomalies and strongly forbidden M1 transitions in heavy atoms.
Phys. Lett. A 67, 177-179.

[13] Sushkov, O. P., Flambaum, V. V., Khriplovich, I. B. (1978)
Nature of the strongly forbidden M1-transitions and G-factor anomalies in heavy atoms.
ZhETF 75, 75-81. (Sov. Phys. JETP 48, 2, 37-40 (1978))

[14] Sushkov, O. P., Flambaum, V. V., Khriplovich, I. B. (1978)
Optical activity of thallium and lead vapors near suppressed M1 transitions.
ZhETF 74, 868-871
. (Sov. Phys. JETP 47, 453-455 (1978)).

[15] Sushkov, O. P., Flambaum, V. V. (1978)
Parity nonconservation in heavy atoms, due to the weak electron-electron interaction.
Yad. Fiz. 27, 1308.
(Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 27, 690-692.)

[16] Sushkov, O. P., Flambaum, V. V. (1978)
Parity breaking effects in diatomic molecules. 
ZhETF 75, 1208-1213
. (Sov. Phys. JETP 48, 608-611 (1978))

[17] Sushkov, O. P., Flambaum, V. V. (1980)
Possible mechanism of parity nonconservation in nuclear fission.
Yad. Fiz. 31, 55
. (Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 31, 28-33 (1980))

[18] Flambaum, V. V., Sushkov, O. P. (1980)
Mechanism of parity violation in nuclear fission.
Phys. Lett. B 94, 277-279.

[19] Sushkov, O. P., Flambaum, V. V. (1980)
Possibility of observing parity nonconservation in neutron optics.
Pis'ma ZhETF 32, 377 - 379
. (JETP Letters 32, 352-354 (1980))

[20] Sushkov, O. P., Flambaum, V. V. (1981)
Mechanism for parity violation in fission.
Yad. Fiz. 33, 59
. (Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 33, 31-34 (1981))

[21] Skovpen, Y. I., Sushkov, O. P. (1981)
Radiative corrections to the electron-quark weak interaction.
Yad. Fiz. 34, 451
. (Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 34, 253-257 (1981))

[22] Sushkov, O. P., Flambaum, V. V. (1981)
Angular correlations in fission of unpolarized nuclei by slow neutrons.
Yad. Fiz. 33, 629
. (Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 33, 329-331 (1981))

[23] Flambaum, V. V., Sushkov, O. P. (1981)
Neutron spin rotation and the other effects of parity nonconservation in Sn.
Preprint INP 81-37.

[24] Sushkov, O. P., Flambaum, V. V. (1981) Parity nonconservation in the interaction of neutrons with heavy nuclei.  In "High-energy Physics. (in Russian) Proceedings of the 16th Winter School of the Leningrad Institute of Nuclear Physics". Yu.N. Novikov (ed.) Leningrad, USSR, 1981. p. 200-229.

[25] Flambaum, V. V., Khriplovich, I. B., Sushkov, O. P. (1982) G-factor anomalies. Abstracts of the 8th ICAP conference, p. A28, Geteborg, Sweden.

[26] Dzuba, V. A., Flambaum, V. V., Sushkov, O. P. (1982) Relativistic many-body calculation of the hyperfine structure of s and p states of caesium. Abstracts of the 8th ICAP conference, p. B27, Geteborg, Sweden.

[27] Sushkov, O. P., Flambaum, V. V. (1982) 
Parity breaking in the interaction of neutrons with heavy nuclei.
Usp. Fiz. Nauk. 136, 3-24
. (Sov. Phys. Usp25, 1 - 12 (1982))

Russian Original Version: Sushkov, O. P., Flambaum,V. V. (1982) The parity nonconservation at the interactions of neutrons with heavy-nuclei. Usp. Fiz. Nauk 136, 3 - 24 (Physics-Uspekhi).

[28] Dzuba, V. A., Flambaum, V. V., Sushkov, O. P. (1982)
Computer code for relativistic many body atomic calculations. Preprint INP 82-89.

[29] Dzuba, V. A., Flambaum, V. V., Sushkov, O. P. (1983) Relativistic many body calculations of energy levels and of fine structure intervals in the Caesium atom. J.  Phys. B 16, 715-722

[30] Dzuba, V. A., Flambaum, V. V., Sushkov, O. P. (1983) Energy levels of Francium. Phys. Lett. A 95, 230-232

[31] Dmitriev, V. F., Flambaum, V. V., Sushkov, O. P, Telitsin, V. B. (1983) The parity violating rotation of the neutron spin in Helium.
Phys. Lett. B 125, 1-4

[32] Sushkov, O. P., Flambaum, V. V. (1983) Parity nonconservation in neutron capture by 233U.  Preprint INP 83-31.

Russian title: Сушков, О. П., Фламбаум, В.В. (1983) К вопросу о несохранении четности при захвате нейтронов 233U. Препринт 83 - 31. Институт Ядерной Физики. Новосибирск, 1983.

[33] Flambaum, V. V., Sushkov, O. P. (1984) Theory of neutron reactions and weak interaction in heavy nuclei. Nucl. Phys. A 412, 13-33

[34] Dzuba, V. A., Flambaum, V. V, Sushkov, O. P. (1984) Relativistic many body calculations of the hyperfine structure intervals in Caesium and Francium atoms. J. Phys. B 17, 1953-1968

[35] Sushkov, O. P., Flambaum, V. V., Khriplovich, I. B. (1984)
Posibility of investigating P- and T-odd nuclear forces in atomic and molecular experiments.
ZhETF 87, 1521-1540
. (Sov. Phys. JETP 60, 873-883 (1984))

V. V. Flambaum, I. B. Khriplovich, and O. P. Sushkov, (1984). On the possibility to study P- and T-odd nuclear forces in atomic and molecular experiments, Tech. Rep. IYF-84-85 ; Akad. Nauk Novosibirsk. Inst. Yadern. Fiz., Novosibirsk, 44 p.

[36] Flambaum, V. V., Khriplovich, I. B., Sushkov, O. P. (1984) Nuclear anapole moments. Phys. Lett. B 146, 367-369.

[37] Dzuba, V. A., Flambaum, V. V., Silvestrov, P. G., Sushkov, O. P. (1984) Relativistic many body calculation of parity violating E1-amplitude for the 6s \to 7s transition in atomic Cesium. Phys. Lett. A 103, 265-269.

[38] Flambaum, V. V., Sushkov, O. P. (1985) Angular and polarization correlations in the (n, γ) reaction. Nucl. Phys. A 435, 352-380

[39] Dzuba, V. A., Flambaum, V. V., Silvestrov, P. G., Sushkov, O. P. (1985) Anomalies of g-factor in heavy atomsPhysica Scripta 31, 275-280

[40] Dzuba, V. A., Flambaum, V. V., Silvestrov, P. G., Sushkov, O. P. (1985) Relativistic many body calculations in atoms and parity violation in Caesium. J. Phys. B 18, 597-613.

[41] Flambaum, V. V., Telitsin, V. B., Sushkov, O. P. (1985) Parity nonconcervation in proton-helium scattering. Nucl. Phys. A 444, 611-620

[42] Flambaum, V. V., Khriplovich, I. B., Sushkov, O. P. (1985) Limit on the constant of T-nonconserving nucleon-nucleon interaction. Phys. Lett. B 162, 213-216

[43] Dzuba, V. A., Flambaum, V. V., Sushkov, O. P. (1985) Hyperfine structure of Ra+ and nuclear magnetic moments of Radium isotopes. Physica Scripta 32, 507-508

[44] Ellegaard, C., Gaarde, C., Larsen, J., Dmitriev, V. F., Sushkov, O. P., et al. (1985) The p(He-3,T) Delta++ reaction. Phys. Lett. B 154, 110-114.

[45] Dzuba, V. A., Flambaum, V. V., Sushkov, O. P. (1986)
Calculation of energy levels of superheavy elements E113 and E114+.
 In  "Correlation and Relativistic Effects in Atoms and Ions'', p. 90, Academy of Sciences Publishing, Moscow.

[46] Dmitriev, V. F., Sushkov, O. P., Gaarde, C. (1986)
Delta-formation in the H-1(He-3,H-3) Delta++ reaction  at intermediate energies.
Nucl. Phys. A 459, 503-524.

[47] Flambaum, V. V., Khriplovich, I. B.,Sushkov, O. P. (1986)
On the P- and T-nonconserving nuclear moments.
Nucl. Phys. A 449, 750-760

[48] Dzuba, V. A., Flambaum, V. V., Silvestrov, P. G., Sushkov, O. P. (1986)
Shielding of an external electric field in atoms.
Phys. Lett. A 118, 177-180.

[49] Dzuba, V. A., Flambaum, V. V., Silvestrov, P. G., Sushkov, O. P. (1987)
Correlation potential method for the calculation of energy-levels, hyperfine-structure and E1 transition amplitudes in atoms with one unpaired electron. J. Phys. B 20, 1399 - 1412.

[50] Dzuba, V. A., Flambaum, V. V., Silvestrov, P. G., Sushkov, O. P. (1987)
Parity nonconservation in Thallium and Caesium. Physica Scripta 36, 69 - 70.

[51] Dzuba, V. A., Flambaum, V. V., Silvestrov, P. G., Sushkov, O. P. (1987)
Calculation of parity nonconservation in Thallium. J. Phys. B 20, 3297 - 3311.

[52] Dzuba, V. A., Flambaum, V. V., Silvestrov, P. G., Sushkov, O. P. (1988)
Relativistic many-body calculations of parity nonconservation in Lead and Bismuth atoms. Europhys. Lett. 7, 413 - 418.

[53] Dzuba, V. A., Flambaum, V. V., Silvestrov, P. G., Sushkov, O. P. (1988)
Screening of Coulomb interaction and many-body perturbation theory in atoms.
Phys. Lett. A 131, 461 - 465.

[54] Flambaum, V. V., Sushkov, O. P. (1988)
Parity nonconservation in neutrons reactions with heavy nuclei.
in "Modern Developments in Nuclear Physics'', Proceedings, p. 535; Ed. O. P. Sushkov, World Scientific, Singapore.

[55] Dzuba, V. A., Flambaum, V. V., Silvestrov, P. G., Sushkov, O. P. (1989)
Screening of residual Coulomb interaction and structure of many body perturbation theory in heavy atoms.
AIP Conference Proceedings v. 189, 254.

[56] Dzuba, V. A., Flambaum, V. V., Sushkov, O. P. (1989)
Summation of the perturbation theory high order contributions to the correlation correction for the energy levels of the Caesium atom. Phys. Lett. A 140, 493 - 497.

[57] Dzuba, V. A., Flambaum, V. V., Sushkov, O. P. (1989)
Summation of the high orders of perturbation theory for the parity nonconserving E1-amplitude of the 6s - 7s transition in the Caesium atom.
Phys. Lett. A 141, 147 - 153

[58] Dzuba, V. A., Flambaum, V. V., Kraftmakher, A., Sushkov, O. P. (1989)
Summation of the high orders of perturbation theory in the correlation correction to the hyperfine structure and to the amplitudes of
E1-transitions in the Caesium atom. Phys. Lett. A 142, 373 - 377.

[59] Flambaum, V. V., Sushkov, O. P. (1989)
 On the electronic structure of high-Tc superconductors. Undoped CuO2-plane.
 Physica C : Superconductivity 159, 586 - 594.

[60] Flambaum, V. V., Sushkov, O. P. (1989)
On the electronic structure of high-Tc superconductors. The nature of charge carriers.
Physica C : Superconductivity 159, 595 - 602.

[61] Dzuba, V. A., Sushkov, O. P., Flambaum, V. V. (1990)
Multiparticle perturbation theory and an accurate calculation of parity nonconservation in cesium.
Soviet Physics Journal 33, 713 - 721. (English Translation of Izvestiia Vysshykh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Fizika / Physics Reports of High Educational Institutes of USSR 33, 108-119) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00892305

[62] Flambaum, V. V., Sushkov, O. P. (1990)
Frequencies of nuclear resonances for Copper and electronic wave function of antiferromagnetic La2CuO4.
Physica C 168, 565-570.

[63] Flambaum, V. V., Sushkov, O. P. (1991)
Electronic structure of high-Tc superconductors.
Physica C 175, 347-356.

[64] Dzuba, V. A., Flambaum, V. V., Gribakin, G. F., Sushkov, O. P. (1991)
Fine structure of negative ions of alkaline-earth-metal atoms.
Phys. Rev. A 44, 2823-2827.

[65] Dzuba, V. A., Flambaum, V. V., Sushkov, O. P. (1991)
Resonance enhancement of relativistic effects for the scattering of very slow electrons on heavy atoms.
Phys. Rev. A 44, 4224-4227.

[66] Stambulchik, E., Sushkov, O. P. (1991)
Violation of the Schiff theorem for unstable atomic states.
Phys. Lett. A 158, 295-299doi:10.1016/0375-9601(91)90984-G

[67] Sushkov, O. P. (1991)
The possibility of investigation of high-Tc superconductor spin structure using the neutrons with energy 1-10 eV.
Phys. Lett. A 160, 301-304.

[68] Dzuba, V. A., Flambaum, V. V., Silvestrov, P. G., Sushkov, O. P. (1991)
Many body perturbation theory calculations in atoms with open shells.
Phys. Rev. A 44, 2828-2831.

[69] Kuchiev, M. Yu., Sushkov, O. P. (1991)
Structure of the quantum states of the Hydrogen atom in a magnetic field near the ionization limit.
Phys. Lett. A 158, 69-74.

[70] Flambaum, V. V., Sushkov, O. P. (1992)
Hole dispersion and enhancement of antiferromagnetic interaction of localized spins in high-Tc superconductors.
Physica C : Superconductivity 190, 453-459.

[71] Sushkov, O. P. (1992)
On the ground state structure of the two-dimensional Hubbard model on a square lattice. Quantum melting of the Neel ordering.
Phys. Lett. A 162, 199-205.

[72] Sushkov, O. P. (1992)
t-J model. Dispersion relation and wave function of a hole on the Neel background.
Solid State Communications 83, 303-306.

[73] Flambaum, V. V., Sushkov, O. P. (1993)
Possibility of observing parity nonconservation by measuring the nuclear anapole moment using the NMR frequency shift in a laser beam. Phys. Rev. A 47, R751-754.

[74] Kuchiev, M. Yu., Sushkov, O. P. (1993)
To the quantum states structure of a Hydrogen atom in the magnetic field.
Phys. Rev. A 47, 3426.

[75] Sushkov, O. P. (1993)
The t-J model. 1. Vertex function for the interaction of a hole with long-wave-length magnons.
Physica C : Superconductivity 206, 264-268.

[76] Sushkov, O. P., Flambaum, V. V. (1993)
The t-J model. II. Instability of the magnetic order and of the Fermi surface under doping.
Physica C : Superconductivity 206, 269-274.

[77] Sushkov, O. P., Telitsin, V. B. (1993)
Problem of parity nonconservation in Fe-57 and Sn-119 nuclei.
Phys. Rev. C 48, 1069-1073.

[78] Kuchiev, M. Yu., Sushkov, O. P. (1993)
Large-size two-hole bound states in the t-J model.
Physica C :Superconductivity 218, 197-207.

[79] Sushkov, O. P. (1993)
The possibility to observe P and PT violation using the NMR  frequency shift in a laser beam. Phys. Scr. T46, 193 - 197. (Proceedings of the 85th Nobel Symposium "Heavy-Ion Spectroscopy and QED Effects in Atomic Systems", 1992). http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0031-8949/1993/T46/029

[80] Dzuba, V. A., Flambaum, V. V., King, W., Miller, B., Sushkov, O. P. (1993)
Interaction between slow positrons and atoms. 

Phys. Scr. T46, 248 - 251. (Proceedings of the 85th Nobel Symposium "Heavy Ion Spectroscopy and QED Effects in Atomic Systems", 1992). http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0031-8949/1993/T46/039

[81] Sushkov, O. P. (1994)
Renormalization of the hole-spin-wave coupling constant in the t-J model.
Phys. Rev. B 49, 1250-1254.

[82] Kuchiev, M. Yu., Sushkov, O. P. (1994) 
Long-range two-hole bound states in t-J model. 
Proceedings of the International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity.
Physica C : Superconductivity 235-240, Part 4, 2219 - 2220doi:10.1016/0921-4534(94)92331-0

[83] Flambaum, V. V., Kuchiev, M. Yu., Sushkov, O. P. (1994)
Hole-hole superconducting pairing in the t-J model induced by long-range spin-wave exchange.  
Proceedings of the International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity.
Physica C : Superconductivity 235-240, Part 4, 2217 - 2218.

[84] Chernyshev, A., Dotsenko, A., Sushkov, O. P. (1994)
Hole-hole contact interaction in the t-J model.
Phys. Rev. B 49, 6197-6204.

[85] Flambaum, V. V., Kuchiev, M. Yu., Sushkov, O. P. (1994)
Hole-hole superconducting pairing in the t-J model induced by the long-range spin-wave exchange.
Physica C : Superconductivity 227, 267-278doi:10.1016/0921-4534(94)90081-7

[86] Dotsenko, A., Sushkov, O. P. (1994)
Quantum phase transition in the frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet.
Phys. Rev. B 50, 13821-13824.

[87] Kuchiev, M. Yu., Sushkov, O. P. (1995)
Semiclassical approximation for the quantum states of a Hydrogen atom in the magnetic field near the ionization limit. in "Quantum Chaos'' edited by G. Casati and B. Chirikov, pages 273 - 285. Cambridge University Press.

[88] Belinicher, V., Chernyshev, A., Dotsenko, A., Sushkov, O. P. (1995)
Hole-hole superconducting pairing in the t-J model induced by spin-wave exchange.  
Phys. Rev. B 51, 6076-6084.

[89] Dzuba, V. A., Flambaum, V. V., Sushkov, O. P. (1995)
Calculation of energy levels, E1 transition amplitudes, and parity violation in francium.    
Phys. Rev. A 51, 3454.

[90] Kuchiev, M. Yu., Sushkov, O. P. (1995)
Two-hole bound states in a modified t-J model.
Phys. Rev. B 52, 12977.

[91] Kuchiev, M. Yu., Sushkov, O. P. (1996)
Many-body correlation corrections to superconducting pairing in two dimensions.
Phys. Rev. B 53, 443.

[92] Murray, D., Sushkov, O. P. (1996)
The incoherent part of the spin-wave polarization operator in the t-J model.  
Physica C : Superconductivity 258, 389.

[93] Dotsenko, A., Sushkov, O. P. (1996)
Temperature dependence of the electron chemical potential in YBa2Cu3O6+delta. 
Physica C : Superconductivity 264, 179.

[94] Sushkov, O. P.  (1996)
Spin-wave condensation and quantum melting of long-range antiferromagnetic order in the t-J model.
Phys. Rev. B 54, 9988.

[95] Sushkov, O. P. (1996)
Energy-averaged parity nonconserving effect in neutron scattering from heavy nuclei.  
Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 5024.

[96] Shepelyansky, D. L.,  Sushkov, O. P. (1997)
Few interacting particles in a random potential.  
Europhys. Lett. 37,121 - 126.

[97] Jacquod, Ph., Shepelyansky, D. L., Sushkov, O. P. (1997)
Breit-Wigner width for two interacting particles in a one-dimensional random potential.  
Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 923.
[98] Sushkov, O. P., Sawatzky, G. A., Eder, R., Eskes H. (1997)
Hole photoproduction in insulating copper oxide.
Phys. Rev. B 56, 11769.

[99] Dzuba, V. A., Flambaum, V. V., Sushkov, O. P. (1997)
Polarizabilities and parity nonconservation in the Cs atom and limits on the deviation from the standard electroweak model.
Phys. Rev. A 56, R4357.

[100] Shevchenko, P. V., Sushkov, O. P. (1998)
The role of g-wave pairing and Josephson tunneling in high-Tc cuprate superconductors. 
Physica C : Superconductivity 295, 292.

[101] Shevchenko, P. V., Sushkov, O. P. (1997)
Phase oscillations between two superconducting condensates in cuprate superconductors.  
Phys. Lett. A 236, 137.

[102] van den Brink, J., Sushkov, O. P. (1998)
Single-hole Green's functions in insulating copper oxides at nonzero temperature. 
Phys. Rev. B 57, 3518.

[103] Kotov, V. N., Oitmaa, J., Sushkov, O. P. (1998)
Local impurities in 2D quantum antiferromagnets.  
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 177-181, 727.

[104] Sushkov, O. P. (1998) 
The spin-wave condensation and quantum melting of long-range antiferromagnetic order in t-J model.
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 177-181, 493.

[105] Shevchenko, P. V., Sushkov, O. P. (1998)
A new type of collective excitation in two condensate cuprates.
Supercond. Sci. Technol. 11, 1190http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0953-2048/11/10/063

[106] Kuchiev, M. Yu., Shevchenko, P. V., Sushkov, O. P. (1998)
The bulk Josephson response of the d-g-wave cuprate superconductors. 
Physica C : Superconductivity 301, 255-261http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0921-4534(98)00115-4

[107] McRae, W., Sushkov, O. P. (1998)
Magnetic moment of a spinon and thermodynamic properties of the one-dimensional Heisenberg model. 
Phys. Rev. B 58, 62.

[108] Kotov, V. N., Sushkov, O. P., Weihong, Z., Oitmaa, J. (1998)
Novel approach to description of spin-liquid phases in low-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets. 
Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 5790.

[109] Sushkov, O. P., Kotov, V. N. (1998)
Bound states of magnons in the S=1/2 quantum spin ladder.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 1941.

[110] Kotov, V. N., Oitmaa, J., Sushkov, O. P. (1998)
Magnetic impurity in the two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet.  
Phys. Rev. B 58, 8495.

[111] Kotov, V. N., Oitmaa, J., Sushkov, O. P. (1998)
Local magnetic impurities in the two-dimensional quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet.  
Phys. Rev. B 58, 8500.

[112] Marinaro, D., Sushkov, O. P. (1998)
Superconductivity and spin triplet collective mode in the t-J model close to antiferromagnetic instability.
Phys. Rev. B 58, 14934

[113] Flambaum, V. V., Ponomarev, I. V., Sushkov, O. P. (1999)
Spin-spin interaction and magnetic state of 2D Wigner crystal.
Phys. Rev. B 59, 4163.

[114] Kotov, V. N., Sushkov, O. P., Eder, R. (1999)
Excitation spectrum of the S=1/2 quantum spin ladder with frustration: elementary quasiparticles and many-particle bound states.
Phys. Rev. B 59, 6266.

[115] Shevchenko P. V., Sushkov, O. P. (1999)
Bruekner approach to the spin-wave gap critical index for the two-layer Heisenberg antiferromagnet.
Phys. Rev. B 59, 8383.

[116] Shevchenko P. V., Sushkov, O. P. (1999)
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[212] Chen Wei, Sushkov O. P., Tohyama, T. (2011) Angle-resolved photoemission spectral function in lightly doped and antiferromagnetically ordered YBa2Cu3O6+y. Phys. Rev. B 84, 195125.

[213] Milstein, A. I. and  Sushkov, O. P. (2011) Effective field theories and spin-wave excitations in helical magnets. Phys. Rev. B 84, 195138.

[214] Oitmaa, J., Kulik, Y.,  Sushkov, O. P. (2012) Universal finite-temperature properties of a three-dimensional quantum antiferromagnet in the vicinity of a quantum critical point. Phys. Rev. B 85, 144431.

[215] Maska, M. M., Mierzejewski, M.,  Kochetov, E. A., Vidmar, L.,  Bonca, J.,  Sushkov, O. P. (2012) Effective approach to the Nagaoka regime of the two-dimensional t-J model. Phys. Rev. B 85, 245113.

[216] Holt, M., Oitmaa, J., Chen Wei, Sushkov, O. P.  (2012) Fermi Surface Reconstruction by Dynamic Magnetic Fluctuations.
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[218] Li, Tommy, Sushkov, Oleg P. (2013) One-dimensional spin-orbit interferometer. Phys. Rev. B 87, 165434.

[219] Ludlow, J. A., Sushkov, O. P. (2013) Investigating the nuclear Schiff moment of Pb-207 in ferroelectric PbTiO3.
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[220] Sushkov, O. P., Castro Neto, A. H. (2013) Topological Insulating States in Laterally Patterned Ordinary Semiconductors.
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[221] Sushkov, O. P., Milstein, A. I., Mori, M., Maekawa, S. (2013) Relativistic effects in scattering of polarized electrons. Europhys. Lett. 103, 47003.

[222] Stadnik, Yevgeny V., Sushkov, Oleg P. (2013) Interacting spin droplets and magnetic properties of a low-density two-dimensional electron gas. Phys. Rev B 88, 125402.

[223] Chen, Wei, Sushkov, Oleg P. (2013) Implications of resonant inelastic x-ray scattering data for theoretical models of cuprates. Phys. Rev. B 88, 184501.

[224] Sushkov, Oleg P. (2014) Paramagnons: The long and the short of it. Nature Physics 10, 339 -340.  

[225] Mori, Michiyasu, Spencer-Smith, Alexander, Sushkov, Oleg P., Maekawa, S. (2014)  Origin of the Phonon Hall Effect in Rare-Earth Garnets. Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 265901.

[226] Lackenby, B. G. C., Sushkov, O. P. (2014) Transmission phase of an electron in a quantum point contact. Phys. Rev. B 90, 155434.

[227]  Jurkutat, Michael, Rybicki, Damian, Sushkov, Oleg P., Williams, G.V.M., Erb, A., Haase, J. (2014) Distribution of electrons and holes in cuprate superconductors as determined from O-17 and Cu-63 nuclear magnetic resonance. Phys. Rev. B 90, 140504.

[228] Bladwell, Samuel and Sushkov, Oleg P. (2015) Magnetic focusing of electrons and holes in the presence of spin-orbit interactions. Phys. Rev. B   92, 235416.

Erratum: Magnetic focusing of electrons and holes in the presence of spin-orbit interactions [Phys. Rev. B 92, 235416 (2015)]
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[229] Scammell, H. D., Sushkov, O. P. (2015) Asymptotic freedom in quantum magnets. Phys. Rev. B  92, 220401(R).   
[230] Kharkov, Y. A., Terekhov, I. S., Sushkov, O. P. (2015) Impurity-induced magnetization in a three-dimensional antiferromagnet at the quantum critical point. Phys. Rev. B  92, 155122.   
[231] Kharkov, Yaroslav A., Sushkov, Oleg P. (2015) Casimir effect mechanism of pairing between fermions in the vicinity of a magnetic quantum critical point. Phys. Rev. B 91, 235105.  
[232] Milstein, Alexander I., Sushkov, Oleg P. (2015) Magnetic excitations in the spin-spiral state of TbMnO3 and DyMnO3. Phys. Rev. B 91, 094417.
[233] Tkachenko, O. A., Tkachenko, V. A., Terekhov, I. S.,  Sushkov, O.P. (2015) Effects of Coulomb screening and disorder on an artificial graphene based on nanopatterned semiconductor. 2D Materials 2, 014010.  
[234] Scammell, H. D., Sushkov, O. P. (2015) Violation of the Spin-Statistics Theorem and the Bose-Einstein Condensation of Particles with Half-Integer Spin. Phys Rev Lett. 114, 055702.

[235] Vionnet, Grégoire and Sushkov, Oleg P. (2016) Enhancement Mechanism of the Electron g Factor in Quantum Point Contacts. Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 126801.

[236] Miserev, Dmitry and Sushkov, Oleg (2016) G-factors of hole bound states in spherically symmetric potentials in cubic semiconductors. Eur. Phys. J. B 89, 74.

[237] Li, T. , Yeoh, L. A., Srinivasan, A., Klochan, O., Ritchie, D. A., Simmons, M. Y., Sushkov, O. P. and Hamilton, A. R. (2016) Manifestation of a non-Abelian Berry phase in a p-type semiconductor system. Phys. Rev. B 93, 205424.

[238] Li, T., Horovitz, B., Sushkov, O. P. (2016) Semiclassical Landau quantization of spin-orbit coupled systems. Phys. Rev. B 93, 235316.

[239] Srinivasan, A., Hudson, K. L., Miserev, D., Yeoh, L. A., Klochan, O., Muraki, K., Hirayama, Y., Sushkov, O. P., Hamilton, A. R. (2016) Electrical control of the sign of the g factor in a GaAs hole quantum point contact. Phys. Rev. B 94, 041406(R).

[240] Kharkov, Y. A. and Sushkov, O. P. (2016) The amplitudes and the structure of the charge density wave in YBCO. Sci. Rep. 6, 34551; doi: 10.1038/srep34551.

[241] Li, Tommy and Sushkov, Oleg P. (2016) Chern insulating state in laterally patterned semiconductor heterostructures. Phys. Rev. B 94, 155311.

[242] Scammell, H. D. and Sushkov, O. P. (2017) Nonequilibrium quantum mechanics: A “hot quantum soup” of paramagnons. Phys. Rev. B 95, 024420.

[243] Miserev D. S. and Sushkov O. P. (2017) Dimensional reduction of the Luttinger Hamiltonian and g-factors of holes in symmetric two-dimensional semiconductor heterostructures. Phys. Rev. B 95, 085431.

[244] Scammell H. D. and Sushkov O. P. (2017) Multiple universalities in order-disorder magnetic phase transitions. Phys. Rev. B 95, 094410.

[245] Srinivasan A., Miserev D. S., Hudson K. L., Klochan O., Muraki K., Hirayama Y., Reuter D., Wieck A. D., Sushkov O. P., and Hamilton A. R. (2017) Detection and control of spin-orbit interactions in a GaAs hole quantum point contact. Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 146801.

[246] Bladwell, Samuel and Sushkov, Oleg P. (2017) Interference effects and Huygens principle in transverse magnetic focusing of electrons and holes. Phys. Rev. B 96, 035413.

[247] Li, Tommy and Sushkov, Oleg P. (2017) Two-dimensional topological semimetal state in a nanopatterned semiconductor system. Phys. Rev. B 96, 085301. 

[248] Miserev D. S., Srinivasan A., Tkachenko O. A., Tkachenko V. A., Farrer I., Ritchie D. A., Hamilton A. R., and Sushkov O. P. (2017) Mechanisms for Strong Anisotropy of In-Plane g-Factors in Hole Based Quantum Point Contacts. Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 116803.

[249] Scammell H. D., Kharkov Y., Yan Qi Qin, Zi Yang Meng, Normand B., and Sushkov O. P. (2017) Unifying static and dynamic properties in three-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets. Phys. Rev. B 96, 174414.

[250] Kharkov Y. A., Sushkov O. P., and Mostovoy M. (2017) Bound States of Skyrmions and Merons near the Lifshitz Point. Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 207201.

[251] Scammell, H.D., Sushkov, O.P. (2017) Prediction of ultra-narrow Higgs resonance in magnon Bose-condensates. arXiv:1705.09007

[252] Bladwell, Samuel and Sushkov, Oleg P. (2018) Interference in spin-orbit coupled transverse magnetic focusing: Emergent phase due to in-plane magnetic fields. Phys. Rev. B 98, 085438.

[253] Marcellina E., Srinivasan A., Miserev D. S., Croxall A. F., Ritchie D. A., Farrer I., Sushkov O. P., Culcer, Dimitrie, and Hamilton A. R. (2018) Electrical Control of the Zeeman Spin Splitting in Two-Dimensional Hole Systems. Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 077701.

[254] Kharkov Y. A. and Sushkov O. P. (2018) Nature of the spin liquid in underdoped cuprate superconductors. Phys. Rev. B 98, 155118.

[255] Kharkov, Yaroslav A., Oitmaa, Jaan and Sushkov, Oleg P. (2018) Properties of the spin-liquid phase in the vicinity of the Lifshitz transition from Néel to spin-spiral state in frustrated magnets. Phys. Rev. B 98, 144420.

[256] Bladwell, Samuel and Sushkov, Oleg P. (2019) Measuring hole g-factor anisotropies using transverse magnetic focusing. Phys. Rev. B 99, 081401(R).

[257] Scammell, H. D. and Sushkov, O. P. (2019) Tuning the topological insulator states of artificial graphene. Phys. Rev. B 99, 085419.

[258] Indra Yudhistira, Nilotpal Chakraborty, Girish Sharma, Derek Y. H. Ho, Evan Laksono, Oleg P. Sushkov, Giovanni Vignale, and Shaffique Adam (2019) Gauge-phonon dominated resistivity in twisted bilayer graphene near magic angle. Phys. Rev. B 99, 140302(R).

[259] Wolfe J., Sushkov O.P. (2019) The sound of black holes fusing. Nat. Phys., 15, 1206. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41567-019-0686-2

[260] Miserev D. and Sushkov O. P. (2019) Prediction of the spin triplet two-electron quantum dots in Si: Towards controlled quantum simulations of magnetic systems. Phys. Rev. B 100, 205129. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.100.205129

[261] Kharkov Y. A., Sushkov O. P. (2019) Origin of hour-glass magnetic dispersion in underdoped cuprate superconductors. Phys. Rev. B 100, 224510. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.100.224510

[262] Kharkov, Yaroslav A., Oitmaa, Jaan, and Sushkov, Oleg P. (2020) Quantum Lifshitz criticality in a frustrated two-dimensional XY model. Phys. Rev. B 101, 035114. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.101.035114

[263] O'Brien, Matthew C. and Sushkov, Oleg P. (2020) Anomalous thermal broadening from an infrared catastrophe in two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets. Phys. Rev. B 101, 064431. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.101.064431

[264] Adam Iaizzi, Harley D. Scammell, Oleg P. Sushkov, and Anders W. Sandvik (2020) Bose-Einstein condensation of deconfined spinons in two dimensions. Phys. Rev. B 101, 104412. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.101.104412

[265] M.-G. Han, J. A. Garlow, Y. Kharkov, L. Camacho, R. Rov, J. Sauceda, G. Vats, K. Kisslinger, T. Kato, O. Sushkov, Y. Zhu, C. Ulrich, T. Söhnel, J. Seidel (2020) Scaling, rotation, and channeling behaviour of helical and skyrmion spin textures in thin films  of Te-doped Cu2OSeO3. Science Advances Vol. 6, no. 13, eaax2138. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.aax2138

[266] O’Brien, Matthew C. and Sushkov, Oleg P. (2020) Colossal quasiparticle radiation in the Lifshitz spin liquid phase of a two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnet. Phys. Rev. B 101, 184408. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.101.184408

[267] Girish Sharma, Maxim Trushin, Oleg P. Sushkov, Giovanni Vignale, Shaffique Adam (2020) Superconductivity from collective excitations in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene. Phys. Rev. Research 2, 022040(R). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.022040

[268] Z. E. Krix and O. P. Sushkov (2020) Artificial graphene in a strong magnetic field: Bulk current distribution and quantum phase transitions. Phys. Rev. B 101, 245311. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.101.245311

[269] Sanghita Sengupta, Madalina I. Furis, Oleg P. Sushkov, and Valeri N. Kotov (2020) Anomalous transition magnetic moments in two-dimensional Dirac materials. Phys. Rev. B 102, 024432. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.102.024432

[270] O. A. Tkachenko, V. A. Tkachenko, D. G. Baksheev, and O. P. Sushkov (2020) Simulation of the Quantum Hall Effect in Samples with Weak Long-Range Disorder. JETP Letters, 112, 186–192. (Russian Text published in Pis’ma v Zhurnal Eksperimental’noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 112, No. 3, pp. 196–202) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0021364020150114

[271] Matthew C. O'Brien and Oleg P. Sushkov (2020) Spectral damping without quasiparticle decay: The dynamic structure factor of two-dimensional quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnets. Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043030. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.043030

[272] Vitaly A. Tkachenko, Olga A. Tkachenko, Dmitry G. Baksheev, Oleg P. Sushkov (2020) Effect of surface charge self-organization on gate-induced 2D electron and hole systems. Modern Electronic Materials 6(3): 101–106. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3897/j.moem.6.3.63361

[273] V. A. Tkachenko, O. A. Tkachenko, D. G. Baksheev, O. P. Sushkov (2020) The effect of surface charge self-organization on gate-induced electron and hole two-dimensional systems. Izvestiya vuzov. Materialy elektronnoi tekhniki = Materials of Electronics Engineering 23 (2), 142—150. DOI: 10.17073/1609-3577-2020-2-142-150

[274] Valeri N. Kotov, Bruno Uchoa and Oleg P. Sushkov (2021) Coulomb interactions and renormalization of semi-Dirac fermions near a topological Lifshitz transition. Phys. Rev. B 103, 045403. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.045403

[275] Jiong Yang, Zeb E. Krix, Sejeong Kim, Jianbo Tang, Mohannad Mayyas, Yifang Wang, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Lu Hua Li, Alex R. Hamilton, Igor Aharonovich, Oleg P. Sushkov, and Kourosh Kalantar-Zadeh (2021) Near-Field Excited Archimedean-like Tiling Patterns in Phonon-Polaritonic Crystals. ACS Nano 2021, 15, 5, 9134 - 9142. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.1c02507

[276] Aydın Cem Keser, Daisy Q. Wang, Oleh Klochan, Derek Y. H. Ho, Olga A. Tkachenko, Vitaly A. Tkachenko, Dimitrie Culcer, Shaffique Adam, Ian Farrer, David A. Ritchie, Oleg P. Sushkov, and Alexander R. Hamilton (2021) Geometric Control of Universal Hydrodynamic Flow in a Two-Dimensional Electron Fluid. Phys. Rev. X 11, 031030. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.031030

[277] S. D. Liles, F. Martins, D. S. Miserev, A. A. Kiselev, I. D. Thorvaldson, M. J. Rendell, I. K. Jin, F. E. Hudson, M. Veldhorst, K. M. Itoh, O. P. Sushkov, T. D. Ladd, A. S. Dzurak, and A. R. Hamilton (2021) Electrical control of the g tensor of the first hole in a silicon MOS quantum dot. Phys. Rev. B 104, 235303. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235303

[278] Z. E. Krix, H. D. Scammell, and O. P. Sushkov (2022) Correlated physics in an artificial triangular anti-dot lattice. Phys. Rev. B 105, 075120. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.075120

[279] Aydın Cem Keser, Yuli Lyanda-Geller, and Oleg P. Sushkov (2022) Nonlinear Quantum Electrodynamics in Dirac Materials. Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 066402. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.066402

[280] O. A. Tkachenko, V. A. Tkachenko, D. G. Baksheev, O. P. Sushkov (2022) Wannier Diagrams for Semiconductor Artificial Graphene. JETP Letters 116, 638-642. (English version) DOI: 10.1134/S0021364022602020

O. A. Tkachenko, V. A. Tkachenko, D. G. Baksheev, O. P. Sushkov (2022) Wannier diagrams for semiconductor artificial graphene. JETP Letters, vol. 116, issue 9, pages 616 – 620 (Russian version).

[281] Jack N. Engdahl, Aydin Cem Keser, Oleg P. Sushkov (2022) Micromagnets dramatically enhance effects of viscous hydrodynamic flow in a two-dimensional electron fluid. Phys. Rev. Research 4, 043175. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.043175

[282] O. A. Tkachenko, V. A. Tkachenko, D. G. Baksheev, O. P. Sushkov (2023) Effect of Disorder on Magnetotransport in Semiconductor Artificial Graphene. JETP Letters, vol. 117, 222 - 227 (English version). DOI: 10.1134/S0021364022603219

O. A. Tkachenko, V. A. Tkachenko, D. G. Baksheev, O. P. Sushkov (2023) Effect of disorder on magnetotransport in semiconductor artificial graphene. JETP Letters, vol. 117, issue 3, pages 228 - 234 (Russian version). DOI: 10.31857/S1234567823030084

[283] Harley D. Scammell, Julian Ingham, Tommy Li, and Oleg P. Sushkov (2023) Chiral excitonic order from twofold van Hove singularities in kagome metals. Nature Communications 14, 605. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-35987-2

[284] Harley D. Scammell, Oleg P. Sushkov (2023) Dynamical screening and excitonic bound states in biased bilayer graphene. Phys. Rev. B 107, 085104 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.107.085104

[285] Daisy Q. Wang, Zeb Krix, Oleg P. Sushkov, Ian Farrer, David A. Ritchie, Alexander R. Hamilton, and Oleh Klochan (2023) Formation of Artificial Fermi Surfaces with a Triangular Superlattice on a Conventional Two-Dimensional Electron Gas. Nano Lett. 2023, 23, 5, 1705-1710. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c04358

[286] Aydin Cem Keser, Oleg Sushkov (2023) Magnetic response of a two-dimensional viscous electron fluid. Turkish Journal of Physics 47 (1), pp. 28 - 39. DOI: https://doi.org/10.55730/1300-0101.2736

[287] Z. E. Krix and O. P. Sushkov (2023) Patterned bilayer graphene as a tunable strongly correlated system. Phys. Rev. B 107, 165158. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.107.165158

[288] A. O. Sushkov, O. P. Sushkov, and A. Yaresko (2023) Effective electric field: Quantifying the sensitivity of searches for new P,T-odd physics with EuCl3⋅6H2O. Phys. Rev. A 107, 062823. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.107.062823

[289] Harley D. Scammell and Oleg P. Sushkov (2023) Exciton condensation in biased bilayer graphene. Phys. Rev. Research 5, 043176. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.5.043176

[290] Jack N. Engdahl, Aydın Cem Keser, Thomas Schmidt, and Oleg P. Sushkov (2024) Driving viscous hydrodynamics in bulk electron flow in graphene using micromagnets. Phys. Rev. B 109, 195402. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.109.195402

[291] O. P. Sushkov (2024) Schiff moments of deformed nuclei. Phys. Rev. C 110, 015501. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.110.015501

[292] Ramal Afrose, Aydin Cem Keser, Oleg P. Sushkov, Shaffique Adam (2024) Tunable viscous layers in Corbino geometry using density junctions. Phys. Rev. B 110, 125409. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.110.125409