Gordon Godfrey Workshop on Spins, Topology and Strong Electron Correlations

The 2019 Gordon Godfrey Workshop on Spins, Topology and Strong Electron Correlations will be held at the School of Physics, UNSW from 25th of November till 29th of November 2019. You can find more information on the Gordon Godfrey Workshop page. The workshop is free, and we encourage Honours students, PhD students, postdocs and ECRs to attend. There will also be an evening poster session for which we are encouraging submissions. The topics of the 2019 Gordon Godfrey Workshop are:

  • Spins/pseudospins and correlations in low dimensional systems and nanostructures

  • Topological physics and materials

  • Phase transitions, Superconductivity, Bose condensation

  • Correlations in metal oxides
