Congratulation to Yaroslav Kharkov on getting the new postdoctoral research position at Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland, USA. Good luck in the future.
Zeb Krix, Journal Club Talk
On Thursday, 9th of May at 11.00 am Zeb Krix will give a journal club talk. He will talk about the experimental paper - Weis J., and von Klitzing K. “Metrology and Microscopic Picture of the Integer Quantum Hall Effect.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 369, no. 1953 (October 28, 2011): 3954–74.
Congratulation, Zeb Krix!
Congratulation to Zeb Krix who was awarded academic prizes as a top performing Honours student of 2018 at the School of Physics Annual Awards Ceremony (UNSW).
Yaroslav Kharkov is at the New3SC-12 conference in Oxford
Yaroslav Kharkov is giving an invited talk at the International Conference on New Theories, Discoveries, Applications of Superconductors and Related Materials (New3SC-12). The meeting will gather experts in superconductors and related materials such as applied, experimental and theoretical superconductivity. The conference will be held in Oxford, UK from March 31 – April 5, 2019. For more information see the conference website.
Theory group meeting on Thursday 14 March 2019
Aydin Keser will give a journal club talk on “Hall viscosity of electron fluid in graphene”. Have a look at the experimental paper “Measuring Hall viscosity of graphene’s electron fluid” on this topic at DOI: 10.1126/science.aau0685
Condensed Matter theory meeting on 7th of March 2019
Prof. Goetz Uhrig from TU Dortmund University is giving a talk this Thursday, 7th of March at 11.00 am (room 59). The title of the talk is "Time crystals?" This will be the first regular Condensed Matter theory meeting this year.
New Honours student Matthew C. O'Brien
Welcome to a new group member - Honours student Matthew O’ Brien and congratulation with a new paper “Magneto-mechanical trapping of micro-diamonds at low pressures” (M. C. O'Brien , S. Dunn , J. E. Downes , and J. Twamley) published in Appl. Phys. Lett. 114, 053103 (2019);
The 43rd Condensed Matter and Materials Meeting, Wagga Wagga, 2019
The 2019 CMM Meeting will be held from 5 February till 8 February in Wagga Wagga, Charles Stuart University. The participants will be using a unique opportunity to discuss their current research and future directions in condensed matter physics and materials science. It is a special opportunity to enjoy an interesting scientific program at a wonderful Australian location. For more details about the meeting check the website.
Merry Christmas and Happy New 2019 Year!
2018 was an interesting and happy journey, full of challenges and achievements. With a glimpse of joy feelings and a note of sadness we say goodbye to 2018 year. We wish all a wonderful festive season and fantastic New Year.
Congratulation to Zeb Krix.
Congratulation to Zeb Krix on completion of Honours project successfully.